State Law Information

If you have any questions please contact John Schuettinger at 202-693-2680, or Tiffany Agnew at 202-693-2998. For Confidentiality questions please contact Agnes Wells at 202-693-2996

Most Recent Comparison of State UI Laws

The Comparison of State Unemployment Insurance Laws provides state-by-state information on workers covered, benefit eligibility, methods of financing and other areas of interest in the UI program. It also includes information on the temporary disability programs operated in six states. The Comparison is published annually.

Most Recent Significant Provisions of State UI Laws publication

This publication provides information on each state’s wage requirements for unemployment insurance benefit eligibility, computation and amount of the weekly benefit, number of allowable benefit weeks and benefit week calculation, and the amount of earnings that will be disregarded for those individuals who are working part-time. It also provides information on the size of employer payroll required to pay unemployment taxes, the amount of wages subject to unemployment taxes, and the tax rates specific to each state’s program.

Most Recent Report on State Legislation

This report summarizes amendments to state unemployment insurance laws and regulations recently enacted/promulgated in the various states.

Unemployment Compensation: Federal-State Partnership

The Unemployment Compensation: Federal-State Partnership paper outlines the basics of the unemployment compensation program, including who is covered, how the system is financed, and what are the basic benefit rights of claimants. The UC program is a federal-state partnership based upon Federal law, but administered by state employees under state law. This structure makes the program unique among the country’s social insurance programs.

Archived State Law Publications

Note: These items are displayed for archival/historical research purposes. Please direct any questions or inquiries about formatting/readability issues to the point of contact designated on the OUI Legislation page ( ) for further information/clarification.

Archived Comparisons of State Laws

Archived Significant Provisions of State UI Laws

Archived Reports on State Legislation