UI Claims Filing Method
The Office of Unemployment Insurance collects data on the method that claimants use to file for UI benefits, based on information gathered as part of the Benefit Accuracy Measurement (BAM) survey. Reports are published for UI initial claims and UI continued claims filing methods. BAM selects weekly samples of UI benefit payments, so the reporting period for continued claims filing coincides with the BAM data collection period. For example the calendar year (CY) 2011 Continued Claims Filing report is based on BAM data collected for CY 2011. The date that the initial UI claim was filed can precede by several weeks the date that the paid claim is sampled for the BAM audit. Therefore, the BAM data collection period for UI initial claims filing includes three quarters subsequent to the last quarter in the reporting period. For example the CY 2011 Initial Claims Filing report is based on BAM data collected from January 2011 through September 2012.