Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Funding to States

through May 31, 2024

  PL 116-127 CARES ACT (PL 116 - 136), as extended by PL 116-260 and PL 117-2
  EUISAA Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Emergency Relief for government entities and non-profits Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) Temporary Full funding of First Week of Regular Compensation Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)
National Total 1,000,000,000 131,754,153,776 6,318,023,245 443,619,049,146 7,669,492,894 85,250,474,957
Alaska 2,090,135 73,920,268 14,983,501 713,430,363 0 149,072,228
Alabama 12,731,537 358,954,867 13,457,264 3,092,879,800 0 730,157,325
Arkansas 8,012,866 462,383,430 19,556,173 2,147,909,360 14,550,628 193,989,192
Arizona 19,144,750 2,718,406,125 59,412,439 8,635,995,113 0 757,655,080
California 117,972,306 32,274,510,979 1,228,196,360 87,734,436,808 1,639,369,833 12,236,082,991
Colorado 20,228,385 2,585,244,170 67,129,422 4,678,686,248 267,620,676 1,545,072,792
Connecticut 11,908,187 659,925,885 198,339,841 5,107,785,064 151,519,083 1,138,116,354
District of Columbia 4,325,949 181,167,713 29,586,530 1,383,790,440 30,078,797 391,754,154
Delaware 3,061,041 128,755,000 11,123,269 778,501,937 21,503,729 181,700,250
Florida 59,434,879 3,088,232,760 132,709,699 17,061,996,095 558,208,960 4,995,311,215
Georgia 31,964,147 2,942,813,789 193,110,411 12,189,270,796 241,835,575 2,029,494,694
Hawaii 3,939,342 735,274,045 39,563,623 2,615,206,776 59,789,017 979,114,369
Iowa 10,053,959 342,431,529 0 2,082,446,305 89,090,770 381,594,045
Idaho 4,389,811 129,693,520 9,325,326 716,593,556 15,614,104 96,918,721
Illinois 41,979,368 4,559,265,532 323,467,707 16,956,409,301 0 4,125,655,621
Indiana 20,538,609 1,407,087,837 164,265,813 6,382,304,738 152,683,858 712,585,007
Kansas 9,531,044 211,987,272 157,257,179 1,549,927,042 0 284,030,476
Kentucky 12,568,702 142,274,112 58,830,991 4,382,232,161 102,958,422 519,148,344
Louisiana 12,708,754 1,007,642,315 7,963,562 6,115,022,190 76,858,660 568,909,458
Massachusetts 25,754,698 5,915,063,770 317,185,678 14,389,120,047 241,773,910 5,781,831,835
Maryland 16,784,142 3,957,271,113 100,845,591 7,924,745,694 93,405,192 1,113,284,924
Maine 3,835,381 279,683,572 40,587,195 1,449,632,622 1,711,310 249,532,019
Michigan 29,109,491 6,101,720,267 196,018,915 22,219,297,066 226,926,045 2,988,502,950
Minnesota 19,626,869 1,009,678,400 255,882,732 6,832,875,700 177,948,019 1,985,955,408
Missouri 18,388,111 542,384,156 31,719,972 3,936,015,171 47,519,587 527,768,434
Mississippi 7,142,769 409,193,052 24,342,316 2,887,493,686 46,630,503 256,500,761
Montana 2,678,938 165,042,226 4,946,630 788,595,878 19,606,416 88,083,023
North Carolina 30,371,420 1,450,344,000 0 8,210,035,000 104,993,701 1,897,165,000
North Dakota 2,411,008 71,755,559 13,370,088 547,150,774 28,808,094 144,796,320
Nebraska 6,072,645 81,903,330 17,977,665 815,516,752 18,609,007 62,690,486
New Hampshire 4,472,551 184,362,391 11,460,234 1,152,157,182 35,960,088 79,907,760
New Jersey 29,506,949 6,160,298,444 242,543,661 15,799,154,820 299,461,658 4,230,973,732
New Mexico 5,263,473 484,135,017 37,743,825 2,217,621,904 41,965,287 550,686,560
Nevada 10,684,454 1,381,205,279 63,248,286 6,281,683,366 194,596,384 1,447,607,145
New York 64,751,714 17,924,945,354 666,373,449 51,185,314,231 362,638,182 10,270,183,590
Ohio 35,125,882 5,126,853,237 147,663,052 12,337,715,503 224,488,668 1,831,626,117
Oklahoma 10,963,616 264,194,395 69,291,110 2,542,121,662 118,993,112 671,641,398
Oregon 12,676,291 1,075,013,532 106,775,106 5,247,952,771 129,008,884 1,360,910,902
Pennsylvania 37,864,557 10,988,475,584 351,770,083 24,518,276,548 293,696,357 3,943,019,755
Puerto Rico 4,397,537 1,120,046,235 0 7,212,919,066 9,877,765 484,189,855
Rhode Island 3,276,983 670,673,165 28,236,379 1,934,746,095 65,083,597 287,991,286
South Carolina 14,338,105 548,235,680 37,657,072 3,744,740,298 88,692,717 687,064,422
South Dakota 2,536,508 20,970,908 4,509,316 231,911,858 8,930,500 11,870,156
Tennessee 19,661,844 676,218,033 40,826,272 4,848,128,524 104,861,534 460,234,296
Texas 88,287,797 5,731,342,854 232,104,158 25,011,662,039 616,760,796 6,819,791,262
Utah 9,809,925 85,783,662 13,287,868 1,056,389,525 25,145,976 202,140,969
Virginia 26,809,573 1,993,804,268 141,730,160 8,005,804,467 158,579,692 1,104,705,631
Virgin Islands 174,810 33,622,428 727,480 106,725,134 2,641,660 27,517,746
Vermont 1,837,515 191,809,617 28,200,573 886,766,602 0 165,816,564
Washington 23,720,074 2,549,549,628 236,527,349 9,530,814,117 335,462,430 2,710,039,571
Wisconsin 18,914,772 353,806,674 101,313,583 3,855,471,710 73,215,714 549,688,635
West Virginia 4,391,023 168,269,290 20,459,881 1,336,025,790 49,818,000 192,298,155
Wyoming 1,774,804 26,527,506 4,418,456 249,643,452 0 48,095,974


EUISAA - Emergency Administrative Grants authorized under PL 116-127

Section 2102 - Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) benefits funding authorized under PL 116-136, as extended by PL 116-260 and PL 117-2

Section 2103 - Emergency Relief for government entities and non-profits, authorized under PL 116-136, as extended by PL 116-260 and PL 117-2

Section 2104 - Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) benefits funding, authorized under PL 116-136, as extended by PL 116-260 and PL 117-2

Section 2105 - Temporary Full funding of First Week of Regular Compensation, authorized under PL 116-136, as extended by PL 116-260 and PL 117-2

Section 2107 - Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) benefits funding, authorized under PL 116-136, as extended by PL 116-260 and PL 117-2